Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • O. Bernard (9h ETD), “Mathematical models in Biology”. Master on biological oceanography in Villefranche-sur-Mer (M2), Universit Pierre et Marie Curie, France.

  • O. Bernard (4.5 ETD), “Bioenergy from microalgae”, Master International Energy Management : alternatives pour l'énergie du futur, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, France.

  • O. Bernard (18h ETD), “Modelling biotechnological processes”, Ecole Centrale de Paris, France.

  • F. Grognard (45.5h ETD) and L. Mailleret (26h ETD), “Equations différentielles ordinaires et systèmes dynamiques”, 1st year Engineering in Modeling and Applied Mathematics (eq. L3), Polytech'Nice, Université of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • F. Grognard (21h ETD) and L. Mailleret (21h ETD), “Bio-Mathématiques”, 2nd year Engineering in Modeling and Applied Mathematics (eq. M1), Polytech'Nice, Université of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • J.-L. Gouzé (9h ETD), M. Chaves (4.5h ETD), “Discrete and continuous approaches to model gene regulatory networks”, Master of Science in Computational Biology (M2), University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis. M. Chaves and J.-L. Gouzé have participated in a book chapter entitled “Modeling and analysis of gene regulatory networks” on the topics taught in this course [62] .

  • J.-L. Gouzé (18h ETD), M. Chaves (9h ETD), A. Carta (6h ETD), “Modelling biological networks by ordinary differential equations”, 4th year students, Génie Biologie, Ecole Polytechnique University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis

O. Bernard supervised two projects for engineer school students. The first project involved 6 students of Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (last year of engineering school, 1 week ("Using thermal flux to agitate microalgae cultures" ) and the second project involved 4 students from the Ecole Centrale de Paris (first year of engineering school), 4 months, to design biofilm for microalgae.


  • PhD : M. Teixeira-Alves, “Modélisation de réseaux écologiques dans un cadre de protection des cultures: applications à la lutte biologique”, UNS, defended January 25, 2013. Supervisors: F. Grognard and L. Mailleret.

  • PhD : M. Castel “Modélisation des trajectoires évolutives des pathogènes de plantes dans les écosystèmes agricoles", University of Rennes, defended November 12, 2013. Supervisors : F. Hamelin and D. Andrivon (Agrocampus Ouest) and L. Mailleret.

  • PhD in progress : P. Hartmann, "Developement of a model for microalgal photoadaptation", since september 2010, UNS. Supervisor: O. Bernard.

  • PhD in progress : A. Carta, “Analysis and Control of models of biological regulatory systems. Application to growth control in E. coli”, since december 2010, UNS. Supervisors: J.-L. Gouzé and M. Chaves.

  • PhD in progress : C. Baroukh, “Modeling the coupling of microalgae with anaerobic digestion”, since September 2011, University of Montpellier 2. Supervisors: J.-P. Steyer and O. Bernard.

  • PhD in progress : A. Lebon, “Modélisation couplée plantes-ravageurs-ennemis naturels dans un contexte de lutte biologique", since October 2011, University of Montpellier 2. Supervisors : Y. Dumont (CIRAD), F. Grognard and L. Mailleret.

  • PhD in progress : I. Belgacem “Controle de systèmes de régulation génétique”, since November 2011, UNS. Supervisor: J.-L. Gouzé.

  • PhD in progress : H. Bonnefond, "Experimental development of selection oriented photobioreactors", since september 2012, UPMC. Supervisors: A. Sciandra and O. Bernard

  • PhD in progress : C. Combe, "Response of microalgae to fluctuating light", since september 2012, UPMC. Supervisors: A. Sciandra and S. Rabouille.

  • PhD in progress : G. Grimaud, "Controlled competition for the selection of microalgal species of interest", since September 2012, UNS. Supervisors: O. Bernard and S. Rabouille.

  • PhD in progress : T. Morel Journel, “Où, quand, combien? Stratégies d'introduction d'organismes dans un environnement spatialement structuré”, since October 2012, UNS. Supervisors: T. Guillemaud, E. Vercken and L. Mailleret.

  • PhD in progress : E. Rousseau, ”Plant viruses adaptation to quantitative resistance: from the study of their impact on within-host viral evolutionary dynamics to their durable management in agro-ecosystems”, since November 2012, UNS. Supervisors: F. Grognard, L. Mailleret, B. Moury, and F. Fabre (INRA Avignon).

  • PhD in progress : D. Demory, "Impact of virus dynamics on microalgae mortality ", since September 2013, UPMC. Supervisor: A. Sciandra and O. Bernard

  • PhD in progress : N. Bajeux, "Influence d’une densite dépendance dans les modèles impulsionnels de dynamiques des populations", since October 2013, UNS. Supervisor: O. Bernard.

  • PhD in progress : S. Casagranda. “Analysis and control of cell growth models”, since November 2013, UNS. Supervisor: J.-L. Gouzé.


  • O. Bernard was referee for the HDR of J. Morchain, Nov. 19, Title: "Bioreactor modelling by coupling fluid mechanics and population balance” Toulouse University

  • O. Bernard was in the PhD jury of A. Besson, Dec. 9. Title: "Multi scale study of the harvesting of Dunaliella salina”

  • O. Bernard was in the PhD jury of B. Sialve, Jul 15. Title: “Coupling microalgal cultivation with anaerobic digestion”, INSA Lyon

  • O. Bernard was in the PhD jury of A.-C. Boulanger, Sep.13. Title: "Modelling, simulation and data assimilation for a hydrodynamics-biology coupling problem", University Pierre et Marie Curie.

  • M. Chaves was in the PhD thesis jury of Luca Grieco, May 3. Title: “Integrative modelling and analysis of MAPK network deregulations in human cancers,” University of Marseille and TAGC (INSERM U928).

  • J.L. Gouzé was referee for the PhD thesis of Radhouane Fekih-Salem, Sept. 30. Title: “Modèles Mathématiques pour la Compétition et la Coexistence des Espèces Microbiennes dans un Chemostat”, UM2 Montpellier

  • J.L. Gouzé was in the PhD thesis jury of Olivier Borkowski, Feb. 19. Title: “ Growth-rate-dependent protein production in bacteria”. Univ. Paris Descartes.

  • J.L. Gouzé was referee for the PhD thesis of Mohamed Amin Ben Sassi, Apr. 15. Title: "Analyse et contrôle des systèmes dynamiques polynomiaux". UJF Grenoble.

  • J.L. Gouzé, F. Grognard and L. Mailleret were in the PhD thesis jury of Mickael Teixeira Alves, Jan. 25. Title: "Des interactions indirectes entre les proies : modélisation et influence du comportement du prédateur commun". UNS.

  • J.L. Gouzé was in the HDR jury of Madalena Chaves, Oct. 24. Title: "Predictive analysis of dynamical systems: combining discrete and continuous formalisms", UNS.

  • L. Mailleret was in the PhD thesis jury of Magda Castel, Nov. 12. Title: "Écologie et évolution théoriques des parasites de plantes annuelles", Université de Rennes.

  • J.-L. Gouzé is in the thesis committee of C. Baroukh (University of Montpellier).

  • M. Chaves is in the thesis committee of F. Fourré (University of Luxembourg).

  • O. Bernard is in the thesis committee of S. Bellini (University of Montpellier), G. Bougaran (University of Nantes), Valeria Villanova (University of Grenoble) and Sofiane Mazeghrane (University of Montpellier).